Sunday, July 25, 2010

Thing # 9- SlideShare

I just discovered Slideshare this summer. I did not know you could upload power points or other documents . Slideshare allowes you to upload and share your power points and other documents. I think Slideshare is a great tool for students to use. Most students know how to do power points. When I think about it, it seems like teachers try to think up new creative things for students to do besides doing another powerpoint presentation. By uploading power points for everyone to see, I think students will get more excited about creating a power point slide. I think Slideshare is a great way to show parents what they're working in class. Teachers could upload their powerpoint or other documents on the school website so parents can see.

I made a powerpoint this summer about Shelfari. Below is the power point I created. If you are not familular with Shelfari, please looks at my older posts.

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

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